August 31 - September 2 - 69th WDA / 14th EWDA - Joint Virtual Conference
Register NOW to make sure You are part of the most unique Wildlife Health event of the Year, the
69th Annual WDA / 14th Biennial EWDA Joint Virtual Conference
We are thrilled about our fantastic Scientific Program that brings You the latest advances in Wildlife Health in a secure and environmentally sustainable way
So have a peak and register TODAY!
Here are some bits to make Your mouth water:
Five Thought-provoking Plenary Talks
Reservoirs Sans Frontières: can ecology help us predict viral spillover risk from bats?
Dr. Olivier Restif
University of Cambridge (UK)
Illegal wildlife trade and emerging infectious diseases: Pervasive impacts to species, ecosystems and human health
Prof. A. Alonso Aguirre
George Mason University (Virginia, USA)
Wildlife through the lens of One Health: An African perspective
Prof. Anita Michel
University of Pretoria (South Africa)
Understanding pathogen transmission in a solitary, secretive carnivore (Puma concolor)
Prof. Meggan Craft
University of Minnesota (USA)
The Ecology, Economics and Evolution of Emerging Pathogens
Prof. Andrew P. Dobson
University of Princeton (New Jersey, USA)
Three Promising Plenary Student Awardees’ Speakers
Feline leukemia virus (FeLV): an emerging threat to wild felids without protection from endogenous feline leukemia virus (enFeLV)
Dr. Elliot Chiu
Colorado State University (USA)
An apathogenic virus predicts transmission dynamics of a pathogen and reveals paradoxes and synergies in pathogen management in the Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi)
Dr. Marie Gilbertson
University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA)
Esophageal measurement of core body temperature in the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris)
Dr. Molly Martony
Mystic Aquarium (Connecticut, USA)
The Parallel Meeting of the EWDA Wildlife Health Surveillance Network – of Paramount interest for European colleagues
110 Oral Presentations on cutting edge subjects in all fields of wildlife health
30 WDA Student Award Competition e-posters
More than 200 e-posters that You can view conveniently from home
Conference Greening Activities Yes! We are maintaining the Conference Greening activities!! Specifically
Reforestation of wildfire devastated areas in Cuenca, Spain
This way we will compensate CO2 emissions from past face-to-face WDA Conferences
A negative carbon footprint will be the biggest contribution of the Wildlife Disease Community to the life on Earth in 2021
Meet Peers and Friends in our Virtual Networking Area
Don’t miss a thing!! Session viewing until 2 weeks after the Conference
Know Your organisation and build its future: WDA Business Meeting
Even in virtual times our beloved Student-Mentor Mixer will take place!
Awards Ceremony
Please share widely so nobody working on Wildlife health will miss this great opportunity to learn,
share, exchange and interact with colleagues from all over the world, and secure Your own slot!
Important reminder for presenting authors (both oral and e-poster communications):
The deadline for registration is July 12th.
So don’t forget and fill in Your registration now!
The Organizing Committee
69th WDA / 14th EWDA Joint Conference